D6AC Vac-Arc超高强度合金结构钢化学成分力学性能
D6AC Alloy
Specialty Alloys - High-Strength Alloy Steels
Nominal Analysis
0.46 C, 0.25 Si, 0.75 Mn, 1.10 Cr, 0.60 Ni, 1.00 Mo, 0.10 V, Bal. Fe
A medium carbon, low alloy, ultra high-strength steel primarily used for high strength structural applications requiring strength levels up to 280,000 psi. This alloy provides a high yield strength to tensile strength ratio, combined with good ductility. A tough and fibrous fracture is exhibited to as low as -210F (-134°C) in impact testing; also the notch toughness is excellent. It has been selected for fracture toughness critical applications at a variety of strength levels. The deep hardening characteristics has enabled the production of relatively large sections.
D6AC Vac-Arc steel is produced by consumable electrode vacuum arc remelting process to impart cleanliness and preferred ingot structure, which in turn improves transverse mechanical properties.