氟离子含量对Ti2448纳米晶在模拟唾液中腐蚀行为的影响Electrochemical behavior of nanostructured Ti2448 alloy in artificial saliva at 37 ℃ with fluoride
研究了经冷轧纳米化处理的医用Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn纳米晶合金(简称NS-Ti2448合金)在37 ℃的模拟人体唾液(ASS)中的腐蚀行为,探索F-离子含量对该合金在模拟人体环境中电化学行为的影响。实验采用动电位极化曲线、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)、Mott-Schottky曲线等测试方法,对不同F-离子含量条件下NS-Ti2448合金的电化学性能展开研究。结果表明:在37 ℃的ASS溶液中,当F-离子含量较低(<0.1%)时,NS-Ti2448合金表现出很好的耐蚀性;而当F-离子含量达到1%时,合金钝化膜的保护性迅速丧失,表现为Icorr增大,阻抗大幅度下降,合金在整个电位区间内为活性溶解,钝化膜内缺陷密度增大等特征。
The electrochemical behavior of the nanostructured Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn (NS-Ti2448) alloy, for application as biomedical implant materials, was investigated in artificial saliva with various fluoride concentrations at 37 ℃. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of F- on the corrosion performance of NS-Ti2448 alloy in the simulated body fluid, utilizing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), Mott-Schottky test, as well as potentialdynamic polarization measurement. Very low current density (Jcorr) was obtained for the alloy when the fluoride was less than 0.1%, indicating a typical passive behavior and significantly low corrosion rate. With the fluoride concentration rising up to 1%, the electrochemical behavior changes to anodic dissolution, and the corrosion resistance dropped to a rather low level. EIS and Mott-Schottky results exhibited the same tendency, indicating a less stable and more defective film being formed with the fluoride concentration increasing.