抽拉速率对定向凝固DZ483合金的微观组织及力学性能的影响Effects of withdrawal rate on microstructures and mechanical
properties of directionally solidified DZ483 superalloy
The effects of withdrawal rate on the microstructure and
mechanical properties of directionally solidified DZ483 superalloy were
investigated. The results show that, with the withdrawal rate increasing, both
the primary and secondary dendrite arm spacing decrease gradually, and the size
of γ′ precipitates decreases, but the quantity of γ′ phase increases obviously.
The number of eutectic and carbides within the interdendritic region increases.
However, the morphology of carbides transforms from blocky into strip-like.
Except the Cr element with segregation coefficient of about 1, the segregation
of the elements becomes worse with the increase of the withdrawal rate,
especially W and Mo. With the increase of the withdrawal rate, the stress
rupture life of the alloy increases initially and then decreases. The main
fractographic appearance is brittle and tough at different withdrawal rates.
With the withdrawal rate increasing, on the one hand, the size of γ′
precipitates decreases, and the quantity increases, which improves the
stress-rupture properties. On the other hand, stress-rupture properties of
superalloy worsen because of the increase of element segregation, the increase
of the number of γ/γ′ eutectic structure and carbides, and the decrease of the
irregular morphology of γ′ rafting.