1. 目的 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to prevent minerals of Gold(Au)、tantalum(Ta)、tungsten(W) and tin(Sn) from Democratic Republic of Congo and near countries is used in Ailiai’s raw materials.
2. 适用范围 Scope
This policy is applied to all souring raw materials of Ailiai.
3.规定内容 Content
3.1定义 Definition
In certain regions of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries mining the metal of gold, tantalum, tungsten and tin.
3.2细则 Details
我公司严格遵守金属材料产业行为准则,只从对环境和社会负责的原材料供应商处采购材料,以保证我公司的供应商向已被验证为符合刚果民主共和国无冲突金属并且已列在“EICC的- GeSI无冲突冶炼厂“(CFS)清单中的冶炼厂进行采购。
Base on social responsibility and principle of metals industry, we promise not to use the metal of conflict minerals, and inform supplier chain for the social responsibility to ensure products without conflict minerals. We ensure that purchase raw material of these metals is come from smelter of supplier who is verified by EICC in the CFS list, and we will pay more attention to the issue of conflict metals and follow international convention requests.